onsdag 27. februar kl. 18:00 på Café Art’é
Før Robert Wyatt i 1973 ramlet ut av et vindu og ble lam i begge beina, var han en feiret trommeslager (og vokalist) i bla. Soft Machine og Matching Mole. Hans første soloalbum etter ulykken, den hjerteskjærende fantastiske Rock Bottom fra året etter, regnes i en karriere full av høydepunkter, som hans beste.

Det blir mest fra Wyatt’s soloalbum og Soft Machine, men vi skal også spille en god del fra hans utallige gjestebidrag opp gjennom årene på vokal eller perkusjon. Fra søttitallsinnspillinger med Kevin Ayers, Brian Eno, Hatfield & the North, og jazzfolk som Michael Mantler, Carla Bley og Terje Rypdal, til bidrag på Björk og Anja Garbareks senere album.
2 kommentarer:
Steike! Dette blir en bra kveld. Det er litt langt fra Bergen
Det blir sykt bra! Dumt for deg at du er så langt unna.
18:00 – 19:00
Wyatt på perkusjon i kveldens seks første låter. Fra '73 og
utover, er alle gjestebidrag (naturlig nok) først og fremst som vokalist.
Kevin Ayers - Joy of A Toy (69) - Oleh Oleh Bandu Bandung (5:35)
Daevid Allen - Banana Moon (71) - Memories (3:36)
Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs (69) - Love You (2:29)
New Violin Summit /Michal Ubranak (Live - 71) - Valium (10:33)
Keith Tippett - Dedicated to You, But You Weren't Listening (70)
-This is What Happens (5:01)
Centipede - Septober Energy (71) - II part 1 (12:00)
Soft Machine – Volume One (68)
3. Hope For Happiness Reprise (1:37)
4. Why Am I So Short? (2:33)
10. We Did It Again (3:40)
11. Plus Belle Qu'une Poubelle (1:05)
12. Why Are We Sleeping? (5:26)
19:00 – 20:00
Soft Machine – The Second Album (69)
1. Pataphysical Introduction Pt. I (1:00)
2. A Concise British Alphabet Pt. I (0:10)
3. Hibou, Anemone and Bear (5:58)
4. A Concise British Alphabet Pt. II (0:12)
5. Hulloder (0:52)
Esther's Nose Job Suite
11. As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still (2:30)
12. Dedicated To You But You Weren't Listening (2:30)
13. Fire Engine Passing With Bells Clanging (1:50)
14. Pig (2:08)
15. Orange Skin Food (1:52)
16. A Door Opens And Closes (1:09)
17. 10.30 Returns To The Bedroom (4:14)
BBC Sessions 69-71 (69)
Mousetrap Noisette Backwards Mousetrap Reprise (8:47)
Moon in June (13:05)
Facelift (11:58)
20:00 – 21:00
Soft Machine – Third (70)
2. Slightly All The Time (18:14)
4. Out-Bloody-Rageous (19:17)
Robert Wyatt – The End of An Ear (70)
3. To Saintly Bridget (2:22)
6. To Caravan and Brother Jim (5:22)
8. To Carla Marsha and Caroline (For making everything beautifuller) (2:47)
21:00 - 22:00
Soft Machine – Fourth (71)
4. Virtually part 1 (5:16)
5. Virtually part 2 (7:09)
6. Virtually part 3 (4:33)
7. Virtually part 4 (3:23)
Matching Mole – Matching Mole (71)
2. Instant Pussy (2;58)
4. Part Of The Dance (9;16)
5. Instant Kitten (4:58)
8. Immediate Curtain (5:57)
Matching Mole – Little Red Record (72)
1. Starting in the Middle of the Day, We Can Drink Our Politics Away (2:31)
2. Marchides (8:25)
3. Nan True's Hole (3:36)
5. Brandy as in Benj (4:24)
8. Flora Fidgit (3:26)
Hatfield and the North – Hatfield and the North (73)
Calyx (2:45)
22:00 – 23:00
Robert Wyatt – Rock Bottom (74)
1. Sea Song (6:31)
2. A Last Straw (5:46)
3. Little Red Riding Hood Hit the Road (7:38)
4. Alifib (6:55)
5. Alife (6:31)
6. Little Red Robin Hood Hit the Road (6:08)
Robert Wyatt – Ruth is Stranger than Richard (75)
1. Muddy Mouse (0:50)
2. Solar Flares (5:35)
3. Muddy Mouse (0:50)
4. 5 Black Notes and 1 White Note (4:58)
8. Team Spirit (8:26)
Michael Mantler – The Hapless Child (75)
The Sinking Spell (5:15)
The Doubtful Guest (4:50)
23:00 – 24:00
Brian Eno Before and After Science (77)
Kurt's Rejoinder (2;54)
Nick Mason (Carla Bley) Fictitious Sports (79)
I'm a mineralist (6:14)
News From Babel – Letters Home (85)
1. Who will accuse? (2:38)
2. Heart of stone (3:04)
4. Moss (3:58)
7. Waited/Justice (5:09)
9. Late evening (4:58)
Robert Wyatt – Dondestan (91)
NIO (New Information Order) (6:37)
Robert Wyatt – Shleep (97)
2. The Duchess (4:18)
6. September the Ninth (6:41)
7. Alien (6:47)
10. Blues in Bob Minor (5:46)
24:00 – 01:00
Robert Wyatt – Solar Flares Burn For You (03)
Twas Brillig (5:08)
Little Child (3:15)
Robert Wyatt – Cuckooland (03)
4. Forest (7:55)
5. Beware (5:09)
8. Lullubye for Hamza (5:01)
9. Tickle Down (6:47)
10. Insensatez (4:24)
12. Lullalop (2:59)
Robert Wyatt – Comicopera (07)
1. Stay Tuned (3:49)
11. Out of The Blue (3:41)
13. Cancion de Julieta (7:32)
Anja Garbarek – Smiling & Waving (01)
The Driver (4:06)
Björk – Medulla (04)
Submarine (3:13)
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