Keyboardist Dave Stewart (som ikke er han fra Eurythmics) er et ukjent navn for de fleste, men hvis vi nevner at han var med å grunnla National Health, Egg og det mindre kjente Arzachel, skulle det vel ringe en bjelle for de fleste som har et forhold til Canterburyscenen. I tillegg spilte han på begge platene til Hatfield and the North, på Khan’s Space Shanty, Bill Bruford’s førate par soloalbum og dessuten Steve Hillage sin debut Fish Rising mm.
Så dette blir først og fremst nok en Canterburykveld der dere får høre musikk fra bla. disse platene. (Noen av klassikerne vil bli spilt i sin helhet, på LP):
3 kommentarer:
Dave Stewart spilleliste: 18.30 – 19.25
Bill Bruford – Feels Good to Me (1977)
1. Beelzebub 3.22
Arzachel (same) (1969)
2. Garden of Earthly Delights (2:40)
3. Leg (5:31)
4. Clean innocent fun (10:24)
Egg – Civil Surface (1974)
5. Germ Patrol (8:31)
6. Wind Quartet 1 (2:20)
7. Enneagram (9:07)
Egg – Egg (1970)
8. I Will Be Absorbed 5.11
9. The Song of McGillicudie the Pusillanimous 5.09
Egg – The Polite Force (1971)
10. A Visit to Newport Hospital (8:26)
11. Contrasong (4:25)
Long Piece No. 3
12 1.Part 1(5:08)
13 2.Part 2(7:38)
14. 3.Part3(5:02)
15. 4.Part 4(2:52)
Fra 19.25 til 23.30 spiller Øystein fra sine medbrakte plater:
Khan – Space Shanty (1972)
4. Driving To Amsterdam (9:22)
5. Stargazers (5:32)
Total Time: 14:54
Hatfield And the North (same) (1973) (andresiden)
8. Fol de rol (3:07)
9. Shaving is boring (8:45)
10. Licks for the ladies (2:37)
11. Bossa nochance (0:40)
12. Big jobs No 2 (By Poo and the Wee Wees) (2:14)
13. Lobster in cleavage probe (3:57)
14. Gigantic land-crabs in Earth takeover bid(3:21)
15. The other stubbs effect (0:38)
Total time 23,27
Hatfield And the North – The Rotters’ Club (1975)
1. Share It (3:02)
2. Lounging There Trying (3:10)
3. (Big) John Wayne Socks (0:46) Psychology on the Jaw
4. Chaos at the Greasy Spoon (0:30)
5. The Yes No Interlude (7:02)
6. Fitter Stoke has a Bath (7:38)
7. Didn’t Matter Anyway (3:03)
8. Underdub (3:55)
9. Mumps (20:06)
Total Time: 47:52
Steve Hillage Fish Rising 1975 (andresiden)
4. The Salmon Song(8:45)
5. Aftaglid(14:46)
Total time 23.11
National Health (same) 1977
1. Tenemos roads (14:32)
2. Brujo (10:13)
3. Borogoves (Excerpt from part two) (4:12)
4. Borogoves (Part one)(6:29)
5. Elephants (14:32)
Total Time: 49:58
National Health Of Queues and Cures – (1978)
1. The Bryden 2-step (for amphibians)Part 1 (8:52)
2. The collapso (6:16)
3. Squarer for Maud (11:30)
4. Dreams wide awake (8:48)
5. Binoculars (11:43)
6. Phlâkatön (0:08)
7. The Bryden 2-step (for amphibians) Part 2 (5:31)
Total Time: 44:48
Bill Bruford – One of a Kind (1979)
1. Hell’s Bells (3:33)
5. Fainting in Coils (6:33)
Total Time: 10:06
Mye flott musikk. Hyggelig aften.
Jeg vil ha mere progkjeller!!!!
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